Cancellation policy

Latest update 7 Febuary 2022

COVID-19 & Danish Open Bellydancecancellation-shutterstock_738906703-300x204
There are no restrictions concerning COVID-19 and our festival.

In case of our cancellation: 
Should Danish Open Bellydnce choose to cancel the festival, the following cancellation policy applies:

Payment for shows, workshops, competitions, bazars etc.: In case of cancellation, we will refund all payments minus DKK 50 in administration fee for Danish payments and DKK 100 for foreign payments due to higher fees on bank transfers / PayPal fees.

If a teacher is unable to come or has further restrictions, the organizers are free in their choice of replacement. The organizers can also make necessary short-term changes to the festival program, such as changes in the workshop schedule and show itinerary etc. In these cases, the participant does not have further claims.

In case you choose to cancel: 
If you choose to cancel your participation in a workshop, your participation in a competition or a cancel your bazaar stall despite the festival being carried out, your payment is as a starting point non-refundable in accordance with our guidelines.

Competition fee is non-refundable and must be paid upon registration (you will recieve an invoice).

You can cancel workshops free of charge within 48 hours after registering, if you register prior to 1 November. A written cancellation must be sent by email within the given deadline in order to be valid. Timestamp on the email is considered time of cancellation.
When cancelling later than the above mentioned timeframe, the entire fee is due.

Workshops are possible to pass on / sell to a third party. Please note that if you transfer your spot, you MUST make sure to inform the organizers via email no later than 1 November to ensure access to the workshop(s) and changing of festival passport. If you sell the workshop later than that you need to give the third party a note with your signature on it that they must present at the registration table. The note must state the workshop in question (number and name), your name, and the third party name. Please bear in mind that the registration/check in will take a bit longer so do not show up last minute. Thank you.

If you have any questions beyond the above, you are welcome to send us an e-mail: